No Nasties Kids
Natalia Michael is a multi-award winning entrepreneur who founded No Nasties Kids in her kitchen in Sydney, Australia in 2015. After a year of formulating, testing, branding and manufacturing, No Nasties Kids was born. The brand has grown quickly and is now sold in 28 countries. SLiCK KiDS plant-based hair care range was launched in 2019. No Nasties Kids Makeup rang, "Pretty Play Makeup" is all natural kids makeup made with clean, toxin free ingredients. The play makeup is made in age appropriate, pastel colours and packaged in gorgeous gift ready boxes. SLiCK KiDS is a plant-based hair care line made with Native Australian Extracts and no synthetic fragrances. Natalia is passionate about beautiful and natural products and laughter!

On Sale from $2.00
20 FREE Water Based Scented Scratch Off Kids Nail Polish
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